We are watery beings. When we’re born we are 75% water. All water is connected to the ocean and so are we. Help kids discover their connection to water and the ocean.
An origami activity to fold 16 of the world's most amazing animals using this printable step-by-step guide.
10 activities to help children discover how the ocean and water can help them feel happier and healthier.
A great way to teach your class about coral reefs, fish, the ocean zones, conservation, and more.
A crash course on how different animals deal with different amounts of water where they live.
Through videos, activities and lessons; take a dive into this starter pack for teaching about the wonders of the Ocean.
Bring learning and science to life, and connect your students to the frontiers of learning from the Arctic to the coral reef, interacting directly with explorers and scientists.
In this lesson, students will learn about the five major marine habitats around the UK and the different conditions in each one.
This lesson uses a virtual ocean for students to explore the diversity and features of marine life in the UK.
Explore the incredible journey of water with your class through this interactive water cycle activity
Watch H2O in action in this animated video. Students will learn about the water cycle, from the skies to the earth and back.
In this video, Mia Nacamulli details the health benefits of hydration and the role water plays in our bodies.
How a public art initiative in Queretaro, Mexico is generating awareness surrounding water environmental issues.
A guide that outlines a few easy ways to save water every day.
Ocean themed poems that you can use in your classroom.
Classical music inspired by the ocean and stories behind the songs.
A video demonstrating the “hidden water” cost of every day usage.
20 cool water facts including study group tasks and classroom activities!
Many words and expressions originate from our relationship with the sea. Here is a list of just some of them.
A guide that illustrates many of the wonders of the ocean, what the ocean does for us, what we are doing to the ocean and what is being done to protect it.
A list of the best books that will inspire kids to protect our ocean.
A fun lesson plan to demonstrate why the ocean is salty.
Explore the world's best swimming rivers, lakes, waterfalls and beaches using this community map.
A great opportunity for your pupils to celebrate the fun and importance of learning how to swim and about water safety.
This fact sheet explores why the ocean provides countless benefits to our planet and all the creatures that live here.
This article shares ocean facts and explores the reasons we are all drawn to the sea.
A toolkit full of tips, guides, ideas and products that will get your class using water efficiently.
A short guide on why water is essential for life on earth and how to use water wisely.
Dozens of watery books, from mysteries and adventures about dolphins, river voles, mermaids and young explorers to surf and sea romances.
Take a few minutes to breathe our connection to the ocean with world champion free diver Hanli Prinsloo.
Ocean of resources fit for all ages. Fun and interactive.
Learn more about our finned friends with this free-to-download booklet full of facts and activities.
Introduce ocean sustainability to learners aged 10+ with our award winning film for schools. The 14-minute film from a young person's perspective examines what is involved in being a fisher; the threat of overfishing to our ocean; what sustainability means, and how fishers can fish in ways that mean we can keep fishing.
Partnering with the FuseSchool YouTube channel, Incredible Oceans will be exploring the link between our ocean and climate with a fun and informative World Ocean Day livestream. Join oceanographer Russell Arnott and earth scientist, Sophia Bolton for an informative and empowering look at our ocean, our climate and what you can do to help!
Marine biologists Russell Arnott and Elizabeth Mills will showcase some fun, hands-on experiments that introduce you to the problems around ocean plastic, before empowering you with simple solutions that can make a real difference in saving the planet. This is a workshop, so assemble the necessary materials and prepare to get hands-on.
Solaire James is a creative videographer and artist who produces fun, quirky and engaging videos. Her passion lies with the ocean, the beauty of it and the protection of it. As part of The Core Corby’s Imagination Station, join her for a fun, hands on lesson that combines science and art as you make your own plastic bag jellyfish.
This series of three lessons introduce students to the awe and wonder of the ocean and its inhabitants building a love for marine wildlife and a desire to protect it.
This series of three lessons introduce students to the awe and wonder of the ocean and its inhabitants building a love for marine wildlife and a desire to protect it.
This series of three lessons introduce students to the awe and wonder of the ocean and its inhabitants building a love for marine wildlife and a desire to protect it.
This series of three lessons introduce students to the awe and wonder of the ocean and its inhabitants building a love for marine wildlife and a desire to protect it.
The lessons address the issue of marine plastic pollution, the harm caused by plastics to the environment and communities, how we deal with all the waste, ending with a debate on approaches to reducing ocean plastic pollution.
Students will learn the science behind what makes plastics both brilliant for everyday purposes and devastating to our oceans and marine life. Exploring the 6 Rs students innovate product designs which creatively solve the problem of ocean plastics.
Ocean Plastics 5-7 is a cross-curricular introduction to materials and their properties, which focusses on plastic and its abundance. This unit encourages proactive and positive behaviours, for all our futures.
Students understand the complex issues surrounding oceans plastics through this units optimistic and innovative approach to challenging attitudes and behaviour.
Learn about some of the impacts of marine plastic pollution and create a diorama, or poster, to use as an inspiration to reduce plastic use at home and at school.
This fun video will teach you how to make plastic-free prints to decorate your own wrapping paper. Give it try to create ocean themed prints and use them to fill your new blue space with ocean life.
Make your own bioplastic decorations and think about the role bioplastic can play as an alternative to traditional plastics.
How do we get the balance right between life and livelihoods? Learners aged 12+ can investigate this big question, critically evaluating a variety of sources, data and perspectives to help them develop their viewpoint.
A lesson for learners age 10+ in geography or science. Learners focus on why we need the ocean and examine some of the pressures on it from fishing.
Learners make links between our own food choices and the ocean ecosystem.
A lesson focusing on how people use, modify and change the ocean ecosystem to obtain food, as well as examining some of the key aspects of sustainability for our oceans.
Learners reflect on what ‘sustainable’ means to them and come up with their own responses or a definition. Includes group game for understanding sustainability in practice.
Download this powerpoint and use it to explain in the classroom why sustainable fishing is key for the health of our common Ocean
Can you label the parts of Handi that make her a fish?
Can you see the MSC logo on these products when you go to the shop?
What are the differences and which picture shows the best way to catch fish?
Help the Wild Ocean Explorers work out what eats what
Taucht ein in die bunte Welt unserer Ozeane und findet heraus, wie wir die Überfischung stoppen können
Une jeune fille nous raconte l'histoire de son père, pêcheur engagé pouur l'environnement et les océans. Découvrez la version digitale du film.
Sumérgete en las aguas de nuestro océano y descubre cómo podemos acabar con la sobrepesca
Todays theme is 'How might we protect the biodiversity of our ocean ?' in this talk you can learn all about why we need sharks to protect the biodiversity of the ocean! We also cover what role sharks play in the environment, some amazing facts about sharks and finally how we can protect sharks!
It's a video exploring how surfers receive ocean literacy by riding waves
A string game is a great way of introducing the idea of connections between organisms in a food web, and how the food web can be impacted by human activity. You only need a ball of string, and if you have them, some labels so learners can remember which organism they are pretending to be.
Take a 360 immersive tour around a fishing boat as the fishers unload their catch. To navigate and see all angles, right click on the film clip to download and save it first.
Film clip
Learners discuss what they think we can do to help protect biodiversity in our ocean while getting the balance right for all of the people who rely on the ocean for their livelihood. They arrange ideas into a diamond, with their favourite at the top, and they can discuss their own ideas too.
Entry instructions and terms and conditions for the Marine Stewardship Council's competition for schools and young people for World Ocean Day
Le film « Mon père, ce pêcheur » a ainsi été conçu pour aider les enseignants, personnels de cantines et parents, mais également les animateurs, médiateurs scientifiques et spécialistes en éducation au développement durable, à éduquer les élèves des collèges-lycées à l’importance de préserver la biodiversité marine, de comprendre comment fonct
Dive into our changing ocean and explore how to end overfishing with an interactive story on Shorthand – it comes with activities for learners, suggested lesson plans and a technical guide.
The short film and clips introduce key concepts in ocean sustainability to learners, focusing on biodiversity, food webs, the challenge of overfishing, and how sustainable fishing works - all told from the point of view of a young person.
Nutzen Sie den Film "Mein Vater, ein Fischer" im Unterricht, um mit Ihrer Klasse das Thema Nachhaltigkeit mit Blick auf das Meer zu behandeln und einige der Bedrohungen für unsere Ozeane durch Überfischung kennenzulernen.
El vídeo de 15 minutos "Mi padre es pescador" introduce a sus alumnos y alumnas en la problemática de la sostenibilidad del mar. Además, la película les mostrará algunas de las amenazas derivadas de la sobrepesca que están sufriendo nuestros océanos.
Book reading by author Natalie Newman about a friendly shark called Lark.
An activity template for students to draw and write what blue spaces mean to them.
In this lesson plan consider how students, your school and the local community can reduce their environmental impact by helping to reduce the amount of litter being produced, used and disposed of.
This video lesson will help you to connect with and explore feelings linked to blue spaces big and small, from the ocean to the bathtub.
Conte: Une histoire illustree a lire
Le jeu de ficelle est une excellente maniere d’introduire l’idée de connections entre les organismes dans la chaîne alimentaire. Vous avez besoin seulement d'une pelote de ficelle ou de laine et de quelques étiquettes ou bouts de papier pour que les élèves puissent se souvenir de leur rôle.
Ce jeu aide les élèves à mieux comprendre les interactions entre l’Homme et l’environnement, et leurs impacts sur les écosystèmes ; ainsi que l’importance de la biodiversité et le fonctionnement des écosystèmes pour l’activité humaine.
Una clase de entre 25 y 40 minutos para estudiantes de geografía y ciencias a partir de 10 años. Se centra en por qué necesitamos los océanos a la vez que estudia las presiones en los mismos derivadas de la actividad pesquera.
Esta ficha para estudiantes de geografía a partir de 10 años se centra en cómo los seres humanos usamos, modificamos y cambiamos los ecosistemas marinos para obtener alimento. También explora aspectos claves de la sostenibilidad de los océanos.
Juego para aprender a diferenciar la pesca sostenible.
Wie funktioniert nachhaltiges Fischen? Das Spiel „Fisch los!“ hilft den Schülerinnen und Schülern zu verstehen, wie menschliche und biologische Prozesse zusammenwirken und so das marine Ökosystem beeinflussen und verändern.
Die MSC-Unterrichtseinheit mit Film, Diskussionsleitfaden und Quiz möchte Lehrkräfte darin unterstützen, junge Menschen für das Thema Meeresschutz zu sensibilisieren. Mit Film, Diskussionsleitfaden und Quiz.
Eine 25-40-minütige Unterrichtseinheit für Schülerinnen und Schüler ab 10 Jahren, in der sie lernen, warum wir das Meer brauchen und welche Auswirkungen die Fischerei auf unsere Ozeane hat.
Explore how your school is connected to the ocean, why the ocean is salty and what causes the tides.
Through a creative, group-based, activity learn about one way our ocean is safeguarded: Marine Protected Areas.